Monday, January 30, 2017

Activist Checklist to Go! Part 1

  1. “Overreaction is reasonable in the face of plausible Tyranny”
Let them see you now, the doubt that fills you is the void that must be filled with your duty
It has been laid fallow for too long and it must be picked up in full measure now
All systems are contracts in which parties must agree to
This, you must remember, for they cannot rule without your consent
Once this is realized One can seek out the Two
And together they remake that which was always malleable but
Which They expended so much in order to perpetrate its inherent indominatibility
But forget not that malleability is not benevolent nor wicked
And They too know this and seek to exploit it

Wait no more, for sloth is not Their fault

They will come for you in 4 ways.  And they are coming overtly and in strength. These are the 4 ways in which they will come for you. The first they differentiate you morally/ethically (biologically), second they will try to make you illegal, third they will systematically attack you economically, and finally they will resort to overt violence. That all of these are forms of violence is true, that all of these can, in some circumstances change position is also true, but these are the major ways in which a dominant system will attack movements of full recognition, and I wrote them in large general descriptions. Also, in general we must understand, from all marginalized communities, that at heart of the matter, it is the cry of recognition of the full humanity of people. That these (the cries), in many ways, are systemically and are overlapping, in different ways is true too, but the catalyst to all of them is the thrust toward full recognition, and the thrust in the other direction, by dominance, is toward partial human status. We see this in the ‘one drop’ rules, the anti-interracial marriage laws, the racial laws determining citizenship, etc.

Apathy and despair are the tools of the Master
The way that we subvert our own actions
  1. We have been conditioned through marginalization and privilege in their permanence of the dominant system. We believe it to be inherent rather than a contract because of this we fall into the apathy of despair.
    1. How the ‘feeling’ will arise in the person trying to Raise Up will be the feelings of ridiculousness, the feeling of the uselessness for actions against the Leviathan, when one has been normed, taught, educated in a system the emotional reaction to step out of it is analogous to a fish that leaves its school, the wildebeest that leaves its herd, it is a feeling of deep vulnerability. This is why you must seek the Two. This feeling will be more pronounced in the more privileged, in the less privileged to the Wretched of the Earth, it arises as a deep dread of impending doom, this arises from the extrapolation of lived experience in a dominant system-but increased in orders of degree. We know that movements toward the self-determination of marginalized peopled does not go unpunished. We see this imputed by dominant systems throughout history such as the bit that women who ‘spoke to much’ had to wear, or the torture of slaves for minor infractions, to what the War on Drugs enacted-it was to force acquiescence to the system.
  2. Apathy of Despair
    1. This arises in two general ways
      1. If you have had the privilege of a formal education then this apathy is born of the mistake of seeing systems of dominance as inherently real.
        1. The arrogance that arises from this is that which arises in those that believe that they can see the ‘truth’ but others cannot. Their inaction is  ‘supported’ by oceans of words that justify their inaction and position of apathy. This is the flipped side of the coin of the apathetic dominant participator who participates in the dominant cultural norms because they believe the system to be real and revel in their active participation of it.
      2. The second is those who have not had the privilege to a formal education which forms an apathy of endurance
        1. Endurance is arisen as the only option despite how oppressive the system gets. Many times the oppression and endurance to it is shown as a measure of acceptance of divine decree. It does not take into effect the nature of Dominance which uses (as stated in the Letters of Discontent) faith (not Faith) to subjugate (though Faith can liberate). At heart, those who fall under this category, believe in the inherency of the oppressive system and uses prodigious strength to endure. Even when the systems no longer seeks to just oppress but annihilate.
          1. Great fear is the usual outcome of this, especially by those who have children who have class migrated or children have (or are on the path to) that seek liberation. They both have the fear of the consequences of systemic blowback and that of divine retribution.
            1. This group becomes immensely powerful once aggregated because they have this developed strength of endurance. Once the malleability of systems is forced to be able to be witnessed, they are nigh unstoppable-this is why peasant lead revolutions are so powerful (ask China)
I will write in the next post above how to “Overreact” to “Plausible Tyranny” with suggestions. This was just a brief way to be able to intellectually and emotionally check oneself and where we are at. If you want I can send you a more detailed essay called the Letters of Discontent that outline these and more.

Be Well
Guru Dorje

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